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Found 2 entries in the Bibliography.

Showing entries from 1 through 2


Effects of Solar Wind Plasma Flow and Interplanetary Magnetic Field on the Spatial Structure of Earth\textquoterights Radiation Belts

Based on the statistical data measured by Van Allen Probes from 2012 to 2016, we analyzed the effects of solar wind plasma flow and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) on the spatial distribution of Earth\textquoterights radiation belt electrons (>100 keV). The statistical results indicate that the increases in solar wind plasma density and flow speed can exert different effects on the spatial structure of the radiation belts. The high solar wind plasma density (>6 cm-3)/flow pressure (>2.5 nPa) and a large southward IMF (Bz < -6 nT) usually appear in the front of high-speed solar wind streams (> 450 km/s), and they tend to narrow the outer radiation belt but broaden the slot region. In contrast, the increase in solar wind flow speed can broaden the outer radiation belt but narrows the slot region. When the solar wind speed exceeds 500 km/s, the outer radiation belt electrons can penetrate into the slot region (L < 3) and even enter the inner radiation belt (L < 2). The lower-energy electrons penetrate into the deeper (smaller-L) region than the higher-energy electrons.

Li, L.Y.; Yang, S.S.; Cao, J.B.; Yu, J.; Luo, X.Y.; Blake, J.B.;

Published by: Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics      Published on: 12/2019

YEAR: 2019     DOI: 10.1029/2019JA027284

Changes in The Spatial Structure of Earth\textquoterights Radiation Belts; Increase in Solar Wind Plasma Density; Increase in Solar Wind Plasma Flow Speed; Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field; Southward interplanetary magnetic field; Van Allen Probes


The influences of solar wind pressure and interplanetary magnetic field on global magnetic field and outer radiation belt electrons

Using the Van Allen Probe in-situ measured magnetic field and electron data, we examine the solar wind dynamic pressure and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) effects on global magnetic field and outer radiation belt relativistic electrons (>=1.8 MeV). The dynamic pressure enhancements (>2nPa) cause the dayside magnetic field increase and the nightside magnetic field reduction, whereas the large southward IMFs (Bz-IMF < -2nT) mainly lead to the decrease of the nightside magnetic field. In the dayside increased magnetic field region (MLT ~ 06:00 - 18:00, and L > 4), the pitch angles of relativistic electrons are mainly pancake distributions with a flux peak around 90o (corresponding anisotropic index A > 0.1), and the higher-energy electrons have stronger pancake distributions (the larger A), suggesting that the compression-induced betatron accelerations enhance the dayside pancake distributions. However in the nighttime decreased magnetic field region (MLT ~ 18:00 - 06:00, and L >= 5), the pitch angles of relativistic electrons become butterfly distributions with two flux peaks around 45o and 135o (A < 0). The spatial range of the nighttime butterfly distributions is almost independent of the relativistic electron energy, but it depends on the magnetic field day-night asymmetry and the interplanetary conditions. The dynamic pressure enhancements can make the nighttime butterfly distribution extend inward. The large southward IMFs can also lead to the azimuthal expansion of the nighttime butterfly distributions. These variations are consistent with the drift shell splitting and/or magnetopause shadowing effect.

Yu, J.; Li, L.Y.; Cao, J.; Reeves, G.; Baker, D.; Spence, H.;

Published by: Geophysical Research Letters      Published on: 06/2016

YEAR: 2016     DOI: 10.1002/2016GL069029

butterfly distributions; Day-night asymmetrical variations of magnetic field; Day-night asymmetrical variations of relativistic electron pitch angle distributions; Pancake distributions; solar wind dynamic pressure; Southward interplanetary magnetic field; Van Allen Probes
